This year Blue decided to be a Bat for Halloween!
Download the template at the bottom of this post.
I made these bat wings pretty quickly, there are many ways to make them but the easiest way is to cut out two of the pattern pieces and sandwich interfacing inbetween.
The pattern piece will look like this, the arrows show where to cut the pattern piece on the fold of the fabric.
I used Cotton fabric and cut out 2.
I ironed fusible fleece and heavy weight interfacing onto the back.
place the two fabrics right sides together and sew all around the bat wings, leave a gap for turning.
turn right sides out.
with chalk trace out the lines you want to draw for the bat wings.
i used white stitching and quilted lines to create a bat wing look
I created a bad with velcro to attach to the bat wings so i can wrap it around my dogs chest, you can also add velcro and attack it to a harness as well.