Brick White Washing

Brick White Washing

So i finally Took the Plunge and White washed my Fireplace, I’m not crazy about the colour and the overall feel of it, the fireplace looks very dated 1987 to be exact… The Brushed Brass finish just isnt my  style haha Things you will need to White wash...
Dollar Tree Hanging Tea Towel

Dollar Tree Hanging Tea Towel

Easy dollar Tree Hack! Things you need Pot hold Dish Towel Snaps I purchased 2 tea towels and a pack of pot holders, (they come in a two pack) Install snaps on two of the corners of your pot holder Take your tea towel and fold it once length ways, lay it across your...
Frilly Apron Tutorial

Frilly Apron Tutorial

Hey! Welcome to the Frilly Apron Sewing tutorial! this is not the full tutorial as this is a resource for the Video that will be posted below Here you will find Measurements, Pocket piece and Instructions on how to create your own template for this Apron Materials...
Pajama Pants

Pajama Pants

Hey! Welcome To the Pajama Pants tutorial! This is more of a fore your information post not necessarily a actual tutorial as you will find the tutorial over at my youtube channel, Video will be linked below!  Pajama Pants for your Family!  Where can i find this...
Fur Wine Bottle Holder

Fur Wine Bottle Holder

Hey guys! welcome to 10th day of 12 days of Christmas tutorials!  For this tutorial you will need Fur fabric, a soft fur not too stiff will work perfect, and a lining material, i used a tradition lining material but you can use  Cotton for the tie i am using...
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